Warm up for a day the Nicholas House!

Choose a day from the calendar and offer warmth to the elderly hosted at Casa Nicolae!

Încălzește pentru o zi Casa Nicolae, costa  aproximativ 250 ron (50 euro) pe zi!
Lunar este nevoie de 8000 ron pentru a încălzi cu lemne cele 3 nivele ale casei si inaca 2 anexe care adăpostesc acum 100 de bătrâni ai nimănui, veniți de nicăieri, inghetati de frig, cu degetaturi și amputatii. Sprijinul dvs contează!


For companies: If You want to book  via signature, o you can face in base a sponsorship contract. Bookpaydownload the sponsorship contract, it fill in  ne send  a completed copy to [email protected]. Download contract.


You can select and book a number May sea days from calendar. Total days reserved if will cumulative in-o alone payment.
Please specify in the details which payment method you have chosen (bank transfer, paypal, card, this is essential to identify the reservations).
Select the desired days from the calendar, fill in the details, click on the BOOK button, wait a few seconds for the payment methods to load, choose the payment method.
Calendar is loading...
- Available
- Reserved
- Payment pending


First name*:



Payment method & other details (specify payment method: card, bank transfer, paypal):